ARE YOU READY TO LET IT GO?Lately you’ve been debating on doing the Big Chop, either you’ve been transiting from relax hair, have some damage or just looking for a change. Before you and grab the clipper’s and get to cutting let me go over some things you may want to know before taking it all off.
Step 1 Deciding: How much to Big Chop? When you hear the words big chop some may think of cutting all your hair off bald. That’s not necessary unless that’s the look you’re going for. Your big chop don’t have to be drastic, you can cut it gradually depending on if you still want to keep some length. Step 2 Inspiration: find an inspiration picture of the cut style you want your hair to be like. Try to find a person with a similar face shape as yours. . If you decide on a fade or taper cut you will need to get haircuts done more often to keep the current shape. Step 3 Finding a Stylist: I don’t recommend cutting your own hair, it’s hard to see behind your head and most people who do it their self always end up in the salon needing help fixing the cut they messed up. Finding a stylist who can work with your texture and understand your hair goals. Getting the big chop done with a stylist who can do curly cuts vs. a stylist cutting your hair straight. When cutting your hair straight you’re not taking into consideration the multiple curl patterns on your head. Once you style your hair in its natural curly state if you cut it straight when your curls spring back up it may look uneven. Step 4 After the cut: making sure your equipped with the correct information to start your hair journey off right. Cleansing & conditioning regularly, using proper products, getting regular trims, and trying to avoid hair styles that will cause damage to your hair.
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December 2024